Wednesday, January 30, 2008

9 Steps To Create a 'Winning' Home Business Site

Why are some web sites successful, while others are not? Your web site will either break the bank...making hundreds, thousands or it will leave you broke with empty promises. You ask yourself, "how can I capture my visitors' attention, so they can immediately buy from me?" Think about have at least between 10-30 seconds to grab their attention as they are reading through your web site. Your home business site is a reflection of YOU! Since they cannot see you face-to-face, be honest and truthful....and they'll come to visit your site again and again until you make a sale.

These are basic steps of making your home business site a complete WINNER.

1. Make sure your web site is easy to open. No one wants a site that is too slow to open. Your visitors will soon become too impatience and then decide to forget about your site, which leaves you with no possible sale. It makes sense by not having too many animation in your web site and also, you must get a good hosting company too.

2. The design of your web site is extremely important because it has to be comfortable to look at. The color of your site needs to be pleasing to the eye....making it easier to read. Never use bright colors as it will turn your visitors away. Remember, our eyes may get sensitive when staring at the computer for many hours.

3. Be certain that your web site is targeting a specific market. For instance, if you are selling apparel clothing then you need to provide valuable informations about apparel clothing. Let them know about the latest fashion trends, hot styles or perhaps what celebrities are wearing. Also, create a grabbing, effective title for your web site because your title will heighten their curiousity. They'll want to learn more about what you have to offer, so be consistent and to the point.

4. Remember, your web site should contain as many keywords density because this will help your site in search engines. If your business is about having a home based business or Internet marketing, then emphasize your business by using as much keywords. You need to realize that 90% of web surfers are searching in the search engines by typing their specific keywords. So, remember to put your keywords in your title page and description in your web site.

5. Visitors definitely want easy navigation to your web site. This allows them to find whatever information about your product and will surely help them narrow down their choices. So, make sure your web site provides easy access when they are searching or looking through your web site.

6. Having your own domain name for your business lets visitors know that you are the owner of your home business. This adds professionalism to your web site. This gives visitors more reasons to do business with you. It's like having your own private label name on designer clothes.

7. Visitors like to read about testimonials of other people who has purchased your product. This will give more value and truth to your product. Remember, people are searching a solution to solve their problem. Let them know your business is not a get-rich scheme.

8. Make sure your web site provide easy payment online. If you don't, then get a merchant account that allows you to accept credit cards (i.e. Paypal Premier acct.). If your customers don't have a credit card, then give them an option to send a check or money order to your business mailing address.

9. Credibility on your web site is absolutely a must! Remember, your web site has to be very professional, otherwise they will not trust you at all. Customers are looking for an honest, home business they can trust for many years to come. They are spending their hard earned dollors in your product and YOU. So, always be sure to have your contact name, address, phone number and an email if your customers have any question about your product.

Because you've decided to have a home business, these simple steps will help your web site be on a WINNER'S list. It takes time, patience and persistence in your part to build a successful home business. It's almost like nurturing it...and seeing your business blossom to its full potential. You will see the improvement of your web site due to increase sales and incoming traffic. Besides, you will be following your dreams to success and living the lifestyle you deserve.

Copyright (c) 2006 Tessie Jantoc

Tessie Jantoc previously worked for a major airline company. She knows the value of having an efficient and honest business. Her integrity is also applied in home business and Internet marketing. She is currently studying for her bachelor degree in Fashion Design. For more information on how to start a successful home business, go to: http://www.profitableincomesolutions.comBebe Blog75406
Beatrix Blog2626

Hurricane Season- How to Survive

Most researchers who study crisis will tell you that the reason people die in a crisis is because they PANIC. This is true of people lost in the woods, capsized from a boat or stuck in the middle of a hurricane. Your brain is your best asset in such a situation. Yes you want to be optimistic about the outcome. At the same time, you have to be deadly accurate in appraising the current minute by minute situation that you find yourself in.

Lets take Hurricane Katrina as an example. I have read accounts of smart, sophisticated businessmen who were stuck in the city for the duration. Did they act any differently that many of those who perished in the crisis. You bet they did.

One businessman immediately went to one of those 24 hour places where there was still some items on the shelves. He was able to buy cans of beans, nuts, limes, a small bottle of bleach, several limes, and several liters of water. In a crisis situation, water is more important than food. Your body will last several times longer without food, than it will without water. Normally four days is about it for water.

People have been known to go for weeks, even more than a month without food. The body simply uses up the fat stores in your body. This is one of the few examples we know of where the fat guy wins. The reason for the bleach is that by adding two drops of bleach to a gallon of water, it begincomes drinkable. It wont be the best tasting drink in the world, but it will allow you to survive. Put a slice of lime in it to make it more tasteful.

Wherever you find yourself stuck, you need to fill every object that can hold water with water. Fill bathtubs to the top, and sinks too. Open the refrigerator and youll find plastic drawers. Fill those drawers with water and put them in the highest location in the facility you are in. We are talking life and death; you have to start thinking to survive. While that gentleman was in the store looking for items to help him survive, other people who werent thinking were buying gum and cigarettes. You can guess who perished in the storm.

Start looking at anything, and everything that you can use to survive. Wood floats, find wood. You need rope, or some kind of object that can allow you to tie things together with. Strips of sheets will do, curtain ties, or bedding could work. A knife certainly comes in handy. Matches, flashlights, warm clothing, anything that you can wrap yourself in. Is there a can of paint around, and anything that can be used as a brush. You might need to paint the word HELP on a roof, in order to be rescued.

Warren Buffett the best investor in the word says that its even money that this country gets hit with a nuclear weapon in the next ten years. Since he owns one of the largest insurance companies in the world, its his responsibility to weigh out such risks.

If you have a car, never let the tank get down to empty. Keep it at least half full, and dont be afraid to store 10 gallons of fuel on your property. If the electricity goes out for whatever reasons, the fuel pumps at most gas stations will NOT work, which means you cant get gas.

While we are on the subject of cars, do you keep any emergency equipment in your trunk? Do you have a first aide kit, if not, why not? You need a flashlight, and some life saving clothing. I keep super thin rescue blankets in the trunk that will help you contain body heat if necessary, and act as reflectors of sunlight during daylight. They are no bigger than pack of cigarettes when folded up.

Now back to our Katrina victims. Our friend, who found himself alone and stuck in a hotel in New Orleans, decided to find another person who was in the same situation as he was. This allowed him to pool the resources of two people together. It gives you twice the brainpower, plus whatever the other person brings to the table. Do not pick someone who is going to be a drag, and a drain on you. This will only add to your own difficulties.

A bank card allows you to withdraw cash at an ATM machine. There are always limits on bankcards. You need cash to survive in a crisis. Call your bank, the number is on the back of the credit card and have them increase the amount you can withdraw. This is an emergency and the bank will accommodate you.

Phones that need electricity will not operate in a crisis. Forget portable phones, they will be dead. The electricity will be out. All analog phones will continue to operate. The phone company does not depend on electricity from the local utility to operate their phone lines. You are not going to believe this, but in the master plan for nuclear war drafted by our armed forces during the cold war, the plan called for AT & T to remain operational during a conflict. Orders would continue to go out over the nations phone lines.

Finally during a crisis like Katrina, you need a plan, and you need to constantly be re-evaluating that plan. Keep calm, dont make life and death decisions while fatigued, that will get you in trouble or worse. Just keep revising the plan for what is happening in real time. Try to have contingent plans in your mind for possible changes taking place. Stay CALM, keep a CLEAR HEAD, and you just might have some story to tell your grandchildren.

In my own work running money in my firm, and picking stocks, I am constantly getting hit with unplanned events happening. Pipelines going offline. Oil supplies collapsing, weapons of mass destruction that arent there, CEOs having heart attacks. You need a diversified portfolio to even out the risks, and you need to stay calm to figure out if the investment is still worth keeping. Its just like being in a hurricane.

Goodbye and Good Luck

Richard Stoyeck

Richard Stoyecks background includes being a limited partner at Bear Stearns, Senior VP at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, Arthur Andersen, and KPMG. Educated at Pace University, NYU, and Harvard University, today he runs Rockefeller Capital Partners and http://www.stocksatbottom.comCamel Blog88063
Allix Blog37209

Types Of Notebook Computers

Notebook, notebook computer, laptop, and laptop computer are different terms for a small computer, which is mobile, and weighing about 1 to 6 kg or 2.2 to 18 pounds, depending upon the model. In 1979-1980, Bill Moggridge of GRiD Systems Corp. designed one of the first laptops and named it as the GRiD Compass 1101. It featured the clamshell design where the flat display folded shut on the keyboard. In May 1983, Gavilan Computer Corp. introduced and first marketed as a laptop, known as Gavilan SC. About this same time, Sharp Corp.Ltd., announced their laptop Sharp PC-5000.

In 1989, Compaq introduced Compaq LTE, which was a laptop of a smaller size, about the size of an A4 paper notebook, and it popularly came to be known as a notebook computer or notebook. Thereafter the terms laptop and notebook began to be used interchangeably. Nevertheless, the terms, notebook and laptop are incorrect terms, as due to the heat, many laptops cannot be placed on top of the lap, and most notebooks are not the size of an A4 paper notebook. However, what manufacturers usually call as a notebook, end-users prefer to call it as a laptop; hence both the terms are used.

According to the functions and the models of notebooks, they are generally classified as: Ultraportables (screen is diagonally less than 12 inches, weight is 1.7 kg or less); thin-and lights (screen is diagonally from 12 to 14 inches, weight is from 1.8 to 2.8 kg); medium-sized laptops (screen is diagonally from 14 to 15.4 inches, weight is from 3 to 3.5 kg); and desktop replacement computers (screen is diagonally from 17 to 20 inches, weight is 4 to 6 kg).

The concept of laptop was to make a device that could use the same software of a desktop computer, but much smaller in size to enable mobility and support mobile computing (ability to use the computer while in transit). Thus, further innovations have introduced transportables (which can be moved from one place to another without supporting mobile computing); tablets (which feature touchscreens and support mobile computing); ultra mobile PCs (which are very small and compact tablet PCs); internet tablets (which support internet and mobile computing); personal digital assistants (PDAs), which are pocket-sized and support mobile computing; handheld computers, which represent expensive tablets or PDAs; and smartphone, which is a PDA or a handheld computer with cellphone integration. Over the development phases, these classifications got blurry at times, and many machines fused functionalities of other categories.

Notebooks can be used for various purposes. Commercial purposes like attending phone calls, receiving and sending emails and faxes, typing out letters and printing them, making presentations with pie and bar charts, and taking data from one place to another can be achieved by any standard notebook. However, high fliers prefer thin-and-light notebooks and for regular office work, ultraportable notebooks are preferred. Both are wireless notebooks so they can be remotely accessed. Scientific purposes are best suited with a notebook that features fast computing speed, good 2D and 3D graphics display, and a large memory, like desktop replacement notebook, and a thin-and-light notebook. Artistic purposes require animation, 2D and 3D drawings, interior & exterior designing, arranging music compositions, post-production audio-video work, etc., which can be fulfilled by desktop replacements, gaming notebooks, and mainstream notebooks.

Educational institutions normally do not prefer notebooks due to its high chance of being stolen. Additionally, they prefer that their assets do not move around within the premises in the hands of students who may be careless. However, to keep up with the times, and to be considered as techno-savvy, they do invest in notebooks. The types of notebooks best suited for educational purposes are mainstream notebooks, and desktop replacements. Students need a notebook to do projects, prepare study notes, and to play some games in their spare time. They need to take the notebook wherever they go, hence, size and weight are major considerations. The type of notebook that fulfills student needs is a thin-and-light notebook with locking facility so that they can lock it with their backpack. Most students report late submission of projects due to their notebooks being stolen.

So no matter what the purpose one might have for using a notebook, it seems that mobility will always seem to be the main reason for such a product purchase. Nowadays with so many models being offered with affordable prices, it seems that notebooks will always be a product in demand. After all it is one of the best selling computer hardware for quite some time. And that says it all.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Blog97818
Britte Blog81146

Losing Your Mind With Data Recovery

For nearly all computer users, losing data can be a very traumatic experience. If you use your computer for a business or for other important matters, it can be very stressful and very traumatic to lose everything you have worked months, and possibly even years to build.

Even though you may back up your data on a periodic basis, youll still need to check the backup to make sure that everything works. Nothing can be worse than backing something up, only to find months later that something went wrong.

No matter who you are, or what business you work for, data loss can happen. Computers are great, although they arent perfect. Over time, your hard drive can crash or malfunction, which will result in the loss of everything you have stored on your computer.

Whenever this happens to you, its always a good thing theres data recovery. Without data recovery, it wouldnt be possible to retrieve files, recover information, or simply get back to the data you spent years building.

To recover your data, youll need to send it off to a company that specializes in data recovery. They will need to run some tests on it and see what shape it is in, how bad it is damaged, and just what needs to be done to recover your data.

This process will normally take around a week or so, all depending on the problem. It can be quite expensive as well, depending on where you send it. Keep in mind though - the more experience the data recovery technicians have, the higher the price will be.

Those that are more expensive are great if you have the money to spare, for the simple fact that they are experts and are more apt at saving your data and information. The cheaper data recovery companies are great as well, although larger companies and those with extremely important data will want to put their trust in the best that money can buy.

With most cases, companies can rebuild the hard drive, providing the drive isnt totally corrupted. In cases where the hard drive is totally gone, it will need to be rebuilt, which can take quite a bit of time. No matter what the situation may be, data recovery experts can normally find a solution to recover your data.

At some point in time, everyone will experience some type of hard drive crash or malfunction that will result in the loss of data. When this happens to you, you shouldnt get all shook up or alarmed, you should instead make sure that you are prepared to always expect the unexpected.

Even though your data can normally be recovered, you should still back up everything on a weekly basis just to be on the safe side. This way, when your hard drive is sent off to be repaired, youll have the information you need backed up to keep on going as normal.

To be on the safe side, you should keep your most important documents and files stored on a CD, by using a CD burner and CD-R media. This is by far the cheapest and easiest way to back up your data, and it will keep you more than prepared for when your hard drive malfunctions and crashes when you least expect it.

If you prepare yourself by backing up your data, a hard drive malfunction wont be as traumatic on you. You should always be prepared, and ready just in case something happens. Computers are the wave of the future - although they arent perfect by any means.our lost data.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog56502
Allx Blog36175

Cut Down On Expenses, Learn Desktop Publishing

The onset of office and publishing software along with the invention of desktop printers paved the way for personal publishing. People are becoming more interested in creating and printing their own documents, templates, business cards, flyers and brochures. Everyone wants to learn how to use office suites, photo editing and desktop publishing software. Almost everyone wants to design their own party invitations by personalizing the fonts, colors, images and borders. Many companies are creating their own business cards and letterheads. Desktop publishing has helped individuals and companies cut down their expenses, as they don't need to hire publishing companies and printing presses to do the most menial layouting and printing jobs for them.

If you would like to learn how to create documents and templates using sophisticated software, you may want to enlist on desktop publishing courses. These courses offer a comprehensive outline of topics that deal with every aspect of desktop publishing. The courses will teach you how to plan, design and layout documents such as memos, newsletters, resumes, calendars, flyers and brochures. Advanced courses will include how to design greeting cards, business cards, tickets, event programs and many others. These desktop publishing courses are designed to run on a particular number of sessions or hours that may last for a few weeks.

If you are interested in earning a formal education or certification on desktop publishing, there are many online learning websites that offer desktop publishing courses. You may consider visiting for more information. You may also inquire at state colleges that offer short courses on desktop publishing. If you are not exactly looking for certification, but rather just informal experience, you should check out your local community recreation center if they have a scheduled desktop publishing course available for the community or town residents. You may also want to try looking for books on desktop publishing, if you wish to learn the modules by yourself.

Desktop publishing is very easy to learn. Not only is it great to be able to design your own documents and flyers, you will also be amazed at how much you can save by doing simple desktop publishing by yourself.

Luke Cameron is owner of Online Biz Mag. - an online magazine offering news, tips and articles on business topics. His website can be found at: and Blog91317
Anna Diane Blog1783

New York Schools Cited as Among the Best in the Nation

According to the National Education Association, the New York schools have made significant strides in academic achievement over the past few years. In a nationwide comparison, the New York schools have improved student achievement, as well as the schools themselves. Though issues remain that challenge the New York educators, parents and the community can be assured that the New York schools are doing everything in their power to remedy these.

Students Are Achieving

Essential scoring on the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) exam has risen for the New York schools.

Fourth grader reading scores have risen by 26 percent between 1992 and 2003 for those students scoring in the highest two levels.

Writing scores have increased in the New York schools, making them among the nations best. Fourth graders now rank third in the nation on the NAEP, while eighth graders increased scoring by 43 percent between 1998 and 2002 in the highest two levels of the exam.

Math scores also have improved. Fourth grader scores nearly doubled between 1992 and 2003 at the two highest levels of the exam. Eight grader scores more than doubled at the highest two levels between 1990 and 2003.

The public New York schools have outperformed the private ones on Advanced Placement exams, courses through which high school students may earn college credit. Students attending public schools score higher in calculus, computer science, and physics.

College Entrance Exam scores have improved. More New York schools students are getting high scores on the SAT exam. Graduating seniors also have increased their scores on the math portion of the SAT by 28 percent since 1994, with a high score being 600 or above. Additionally, the New York schools are one of the top ten states, with high school graduates scoring in the top 20 percent nationally on the ACT and SAT exams.

More New York schools students are college bound! The New York schools are among the top eight states in the percentage of 18-24 year olds enrolling in college. This is good news for parents, the communities, and the businesses in New York.

New York Named One of Smartest States

New York has been named one of ten smartest states in the nation for its quality public elementary and secondary schools. Education Week gives the New York schools a grade of A (97 out of 100) for the high standards and accountability of the public schools.

Advanced Placement coursework is offered by 85 percent of the public schools, while only 60 percent of private schools offer them in the New York schools.

The New York schools students take more advanced coursework. The New York schools are among the top eight states in percentage of high school students taking upper level math courses and among the top ten states for advanced science coursework taken.

The New York schools are leading the nation in cutting edge Foreign Language Immersion Programs (FLIP). They are among the top ten states nationally in the percentage of public elementary schools offering FLIP coursework.

Quality teachers also push the New York schools in front of other states, with their middle and high school teachers among the most qualified in the nation.. The number of teachers in the New York schools that are nationally certified by the prestigious National Board of Testing Standards has nearly tripled since 2000. Math teachers with majors in their field for the seventh through twelfth grades place the New York schools among the top eight states, with similarly-qualified science teachers for the same grades placing the New York schools among the top seven states.

Lastly, the New York schools provide at least one computer for instruction for every 4.2 public school students.

The New York schools have come a long way over the past decade. The educators and administrators have much of which to be proud.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Becka Blog17554
Adrianne Blog47897

Alpha Dogs: How Your Small Business Can Become a Leader of the Pack (Book review)

In an economy that takes pride in being led by large companies and strategic consulting prescribed by academia, like the Harvard Business School, 10% of the small businesses fail every year and 60% close after six years.

According to author Donna Fenn, there are seven reasons for this, from the backlash of big business to consumer lust for luxuries. In " Alpha Dogs: How Your Small Business Can Become a Leader of the Pack" the author consults with eight small businesses situated in different regions of the USA that have used certain strategies to outshine their competition and thrive, and she passes those strategies on to her readers. These eight businesses have flourished despite their sometime stories of failure and they have learned to get ahead in the highly competitive business world.

In the book, Fenn has focused on these eight businesses: Zane's cycles, a bicycle shop; Dorothy Lane Market Inc., three grocery stores; Auction Systems Auctioneers & Appraisers; Amy's Ice Creams, 12 ice cream parlors; THOR.LO Inc., manufacturer of sport-specific socks; Dancing Deer Baking Company (Boston); PR Consultants Group Inc., an alliance of 34 public relations firms; and Mike's Famous Harley-Davidson Inc.

The majority of the tips from these leading entrepreneurs deal with employee training, creating a workplace that appeals to the workers, getting new customers while retaining existing ones, being bold and fearless, giving good service, forming alliances, adapting to the new technologies of the times, continually re-inventing, tweaking innovations and keeping them close to home while upgrading wisely.

In the book, there is a section for each company that ends with ten tips from its entrepreneurs. At the last chapter, the author summarizes the very valuable marketing lessons from the entrepreneurs, which she names as the alpha dog DNA.

Fenn's writing style is direct, clear, conversational, and sprinkled with quotes by the entrepreneurs: "'When you are comfortable, you're never performing at 100% says Dave Barr. It might be Schwartz's mantra. Mike's Roadside Rest had earned him press accolades"

The author, Donna Fenn, has been writing as a contributing editor about entrepreneurs and small business trends in Inc. Magazine for more than 20 years. In 2001 she was a co-recipient of the Women's Economic Round Table Entrepreneurship Prize, sponsored by the Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Newsweek, The Washington Monthly, Working Woman, and many other publications.

"Alpha Dogs: How Your Small Business Can Become a Leader of the Pack" is in hardcover with 224 pages and ISBN: 0060758678. After the foreword and introduction, it has ten chapters followed by acknowledgements, sources, and an index.

If you already know how to succeed in business or own an MBA, but especially if you don't, "Alpha Dogs: How Your Small Business Can Become a Leader of the Pack" should be the book to pick because of its valuable tips worth several years of serious study. The information inside this book can give a serious boost to any enterprise.

This article has been submitted by Joy Cagil in affiliation with http://www.Facsimile.Com/ which is a site for Fax Machines.Carine Blog54868
Anthia Blog53050

A New Ceiling For Your Home Improvement Project?

The proper preparation is a vital necessity for any home improvement project. Any preparation involves a few aspects. First, the job must be identified and the results you wish for decided. Next, the materials necessary to complete the job satisfactorily need to be purchased. Tools need to be gathered in order to get the job done, and finally the proper treatments need to be applied to the area that is destined for improvement before the new materials are put into place. These methods hold true for any improvement project, whether it be remodeling a bathroom or installing new cabinetry.

This article specifically deals with the preparation involved when a home owner is putting together an improved ceiling. It will take you through the steps and offer suggestions on specific areas.

Before beginning your ceiling project and before hitting the store for paint, make a check list of all the things you will need and see if they are available in your house right now. You will definitely need, at the very least, a ladder, sponges, brushes, paint, thinner, plaster, rags, sandpaper, roll trays, rollers, masking tape, and sealers. Once you have determined what you have on hand and what you will need to purchase, take a trip to the hardware store.

At the store, you will also want to select the paint that you want to use for your ceiling. Some considerations here include the different hues, tints, and shades available, along with the cost of the paint itself. Some factors to keep in mind are what the different types of paint have to offer. Glossy paints are the easiest to keep clean, while sheen paints are much more durable than other types. These types of paint are therefore the best suited to high usage areas that involve a lot of vapor, such as hallways, bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. Flat paints, also called eggshell paints, are harder to clean, and so they should be used in areas that do not see a lot of material floating up to the ceiling, such as living rooms and dens.

Once you have returned home with your materials and your tools, set up your work area. Keep the area around the ladder free of materials in the event that you or something you are holding should fall. Before commencing work, remove any attachments that are on the ceiling, such as lights, fans, and vents. Next, repair any holes or dents in the ceiling before painting. If plaster is required, make sure to give it time to dry. Now, you are ready to paint. Most ceilings will require at least two coats; those with textured ceilings will find that the material soaks the paint right up, and thus several coats may be required. If you have problems with your neck or back, it is probably best to hire someone to do the job, as when you are painting a ceiling you are constantly looking and reaching upwards.

Ken J. Morris very often writes articles on issues similar to cabinetry and cabinet doors. His articles on kitchen cabinet refacing can be found on and also other online publications.Alyss Blog52675
Camila Blog16346

The Value of a Computer Information Systems Degree

The invention of computers has changed the world. In this, the computer age, almost everything we do involves computers and the Internet. Communication, business, entertainment, and other aspects of human life rely on computers and related technology. Its essential for people to adapt to the computer revolution by making themselves familiar with computer related knowledge. Computer information systems degree and similar courses can provide people with opportunities to benefit from the influence of computers.

Many parents these days are encouraging their children to consider a computer information systems degree for their future career. Parents can sense the trends of the present job market and they know that computer related degrees are a wonderful way of approaching college. A computer information systems degree provides a person with valuable knowledge that are in demand in most modern businesses. Knowledge about computers in todays world gives a person an edge over individuals who are computer illiterate.

I have a brother who was fond of computer games when he was a child. His interests influenced him to go after a computer systems information degree in college and these days he has got himself a lucrative business. It was amazing to see him progress through his schooling. He was very dedicated and interested in his course and earned his degree in a short period of time. My brother has certainly made a wise decision in pursuing a computer information systems degree.

The use of computers is still expanding. The present trends clearly show that computers will continue to play a major role in human life. If you want to be familiar with computers by taking up a computer systems information degree, you can hop on the Internet and discover the available opportunities. Start working your way towards a wonderful computer career via a computer information systems degree.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning computer. Get more information by visiting Blog8061
Cecil Blog24844

How to Refinance Your Car Loan and Save Monthly!

Paying your monthly bills can always put a hole in your pocket at certain times of the month, so it really pays to find new ways to save money. Mortgage payments and car payments are both bills that will specifically take large chunks of your bank account.

Finding ways to save on your mortgage payment is not always that easy. But one of the easiest ways to save big bucks on your monthly bills is to find ways to save on your monthly automobile payments.

If you have a good credit history or if you have a better credit history than when you originally financed your car loan, you may be eligible for a lower interest rate through your existing company or through another types of finance companies.

Personal Loans or Unsecured Loans

A personal loan or unsecured loan from a financial institution are two ways you can possibly get a lower interest loan. Banks are more strict thank other institutions when it comes to qualifying for a loan, but if you have an existing relationship with the bank, such as a checking or saving account, you may have a good chance at finding a better loan.

Some independent financial institutions may have better loans for you, but their interest rates tend to be higher than banks. Even though these rates tend to be higher, you may still find a lower interest loan than your current loan.

Loan Secured by Your Automobile

Some banks may simply give you a lower interest loan secured by your automobile. Doing a loan this way ensures that your bank has some type of collateral in case you do not pay your loan. Usually, banks require that your car be no older than 8 years old to qualify for this type of loan.

Credit Card Advances

If your loan balance is low enough or if your credit card limit is high enough, you may be able to get a lower rate by using your credit card. If your credit card interest rate is lower than your car loan rate, this is something you may to look at financing your car this way.

Search Online for Companies that Specialize in Auto Refinancing

Let Lenders Compete for Your Business

If you decide to look online for a loan, you will find that there are sites where you can apply for a loan and have lenders compete for your business. You only have to fill out one application and hundreds of lenders will evaluate your loan and give you an idea of the rates and terms you qualify for.

These are just some of the ways you can lower your monthly car payment through refinancing. The main point of refinancing your car loan is to find a place that will provide you with a lower interest rate than the company that currently holds your car loan.

Just to let you know, you may face some obstacles in refinancing if you have not paid your loan down enough. In this case dont be discouraged. Just find out how much you need to reduce your loan and focus on paying down your loan more.

Lowering your monthly car payment is an easy way to help you save big bucks in tight situations. If you have been on time with most of your car payments, you have a chance at finding a lower rate. You just need to find the right resources that will help you. If you find that you dont qualify for a lower rate, be sure to ask your loan provider how you can meet the standards of the lower rate loans.

Rod Davis is a loan officer and chief writer of the Newsletter where he writes weekly articles and guides on saving money, credit improvement, debt reduction, investment, finance and Real estate. You can learn more about refinancing your auto loan at Blog2425
Casi Blog72498

Plasma, LCD Or CRT? Your Choice, Your Computer Monitor

We all know that computers have changed our lives. The technology is growing rapidly and at the end of every single year there is some thing more advanced version in the older version(just a year older). Since the mid-nineties, many of us have become accustomed to the home computer. We may have started with those dinosaur-looking desktop computers monitors that came with space consuming towers like television size monitors. But certainly, things have advanced over the last decade Computer monitors have stayed pretty much the same for a long time. The traditional CRT technology has been the standard for computer monitors ever since computers advanced to the point where they could display graphics. Processors have gotten thousands of times faster, hard drives thousands of times bigger, RAM memory thousands of times more efficient, but computer monitors have been basically the same old crap for decades. Dont get me wrong, computer monitors have certainly gotten better, but in !
am talking about the basic technology behind them which hasnt improved much. That has all changed recently, and computer monitors have finally at least partly caught up to the advances with computers in general.

When you buy a computer you have a number of options. But when it comes to the monitors you still have the first option is still the CRT or Cathode Ray Tube, monitors. Even though there are better technologies available now, CRT monitors should not be completely overlooked. Even today, in the middle of the 2006 the CRT computers are available at a cheaper rate. And most of the people who prefer to buy a computer at a affordable price will buy the CRT monitors .It is true that these computer monitors does not suffer from some of the bugs that the newer technologies are sometimes prone to. Also, CRT monitors are supposed to have the fastest response time. There are few drawbacks of the CRT monitors. Their large size as compared to the new LCD monitors and they generally require more power and have a poorer picture quality compared to the newer technologies.

LCD, or Liquid Crystal Display, monitors are much smaller, require less power, and provide a sharper, clearer image compared to CRTs .LCD displays are making serious inroads into the computer monitor market, and not without good reason. Now a days, LCD displays have already become the standard for the laptop computer monitors, and it is only a matter of time before they become the standard for desktops as well. Although they are more expensive than CRTs, the price tags on LCD monitors are rapidly dropping. Now and affordable LCD is not unimaginable.

Now its the time for Plasma. The latest computer monitor. Plasma display is now another option you have if youre looking for a computer monitor .Plasma displays are the high-end technology of computer monitors, and carry a heft price tag. They offer a superior picture quality capable of resolutions far greater than CRT or LCD equivalents, and are capable of displaying high definition graphics. Plasma display technology, while improving, still suffers from a number of bugs and an overall short life span, but if youve got the money to spare, they are certainly worth a look! So after have a fair idea of the computer monitors have you decided which one do you want on your computer table? So go ahead and get it today.

Luke Cameron is owner of eComputers Mag - an online magazine offering news, tips and articles on Computer related topics. His website can be found at: and Blog24149
Aurel Blog20615

Access Your PC From Anywhere

There are several services available now that allow you to remotely access your computer from any other machine in the world, as long as it is connected to the internet. The good news is that Windows XP Professional has this functionality built into the operating system. In this article, I am going to show you how to configure your Windows XP Professional computer to support remote access using the Remote Desktop feature.

To use Remote Desktop you will need the following:

A host computer (the one you want to access remotely) that is running Microsoft Windows XP Professional and is connected to the Internet.

A client computer (the one you will use when remotely accessing your PC) running Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, or Microsoft Windows 95, with access to the Internet.

Appropriate user accounts and permissions configured on the remote Windows XP Professional to allow remote access.

The IP address of your home computer. You can figure this out by going to a site like The only problem with this is that your ISP may dynamically change this address from time to time. I would recommend using a free dynamic DNS provider, such as This will allow you to assign a public DNS record to your computer, such as You will need to have tcp port 3389 open on your firewall. If your machine is behind a firewall or NAT router you will need to forward traffic on tcp port 3389 to your host computer.

How to Configure the Remote Desktop service

On the host computer, go to the control panel and double click the system icon. Click the Remote tab, and then click to select the Allow users to connect remotely to this computer check box. Administrators are granted access by default, but there is an option to add other user accounts if needed. Click on OK to save your changes.

Connecting to your computer

On the client PC, you will need a software client called Remote Desktop Connection. Computers running Windows XP Home and Professional already have this client installed. If you are connecting from a client PC that is running another version of windows, you will need to install the Remote Desktop Connection software. You can download the software for free from Microsoft's website. The next step is to run the Remote Desktop Connection software so you can connect to your computer. To do this, Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to Communications, and then click Remote Desktop Connection. From here you just need to enter the IP address or DNS host name and click on connect.

Obviously, there are security implications that need to be considered when opening ports on you firewall or NAT router and exposing your machine to the internet. Please consider all of the security risks and decide whether or not this method will work for you.

Matt Peterson is a Senior Consultant for N2 Network Solutions, Visit N2 online at http://www.n2networksolutions.comAubree Blog26554
Celesta Blog90758

Don't Let Your Equity Decrease! Do Your Repairs

It is very important that problems within your home are taken care of as they arise, instead of allowing them to fester. Significant or even minor repairs that need to be done to your home need to be taken care of as they stand to compound issues of aesthetics and function, and this in turn will effect the equity of your home. Although home improvement projects will add value to your home through the addition of new features or through remodeling, home repair is just as essential in ensuring the continued value of your home.

Allowing problems to remain increases the risk of damage to your house. Leaky faucets may end up causing damage to your floor's underlay and to your basement ceilings, as well as costing you money in terms of water bills. Holes in the wall are unsightly, and are also prone to growing as well as allowing things that might rot to get into the walls of your home. Gunk that builds up on your bathroom tiles and walls is a great place for harmful molds and other singel celled organisms to breed and spread. In other words, even small problems will detract from the value and the enjoyment of your home, and they have the potential to grow into big disasters. Fixing the problem when it arises could mean that you save hundreds of dollars in potential damages to your property.

For all three of these common problems, the repair solutions are simple. Leaky faucets require whoever is doing the repairs to find the water shutoff valve before installing the faucet. After you locate this, then the rest of the project is smooth sailing.

As far as bathroom buildup, the key ingredient required is a little bit of elbow grease. If you find that the buildup still will not come up no matter how hard you scrub, you might have to think about replacing some parts of the tile. Sometimes, the buildup is so bad that it is actually necessary to install a whole new unit. Fortunately, this is made easier by the widespread availability of shower kits.

Shower kits are pretty inexpensive, but they add a lot of value to your home right away. These kits require a few tools to install, such as sealant, nails, cement, screwdrivers, cutters, primers, and piping. Gather all of the tools and the materials that were included with the shower kit together within your workspace, in a spot that is as easy to reach as possible from where you are working. Make sure that te water is turned off before commencing work!

Remember that not everyone has an innate ability to do home repair. Do not be afraid to ask a friend or family member for help, or consult one of the many do it yourself books available.

Johnathan Bakers frequently pens summaries on topics related to kitchen cabinet and countertops. You can see his articles over at and various other sources for kitchen faucets news.Afton Blog7371
Alena Blog78898

Consider a Career as a Paralegal The Various Positions and Education Needed

A career as a paralegal is definitely worthy of consideration. Young ladies and gentlemen soon entering the job market are wise to select paths of opportunity and advancement. Becoming a paralegal fits the bill in many ways.

Wherever there are people, laws are necessary to settle disputes and protect against crime. There are many areas of law in which paralegals can work, including corporate, estate planning, tax, bankruptcy, family and domestic, criminal, environmental protection, personal injury, civil litigation, trademark, international, intellectual property, and real estate. All these areas of law create a variety of work areas, and an abundance of learning opportunity. Taking advantage of learning opportunities creates more earning opportunities.

The U.S. Department Labor reports that paralegal careers are on the rise, and expected to grow much faster than average for all occupations through the year 2014. The median for paralegal salaries range between $31,040 and $49,950. In bigger metropolitan areas, large law firms pay upwards of $60,000. Many paralegals receive bonuses. Benefits for these positions tend to be attractively competitive.

The educational and work experience requirements for paralegal positions vary depending on employer and position requirements. These days, a four-year degree is highly advisable in general. Employers often consider applicants with a bachelors degree and no work experience.

A four-year degree is not necessarily required for all paralegal positions. Another applicant with a two-year degree and more specialized concentration in paralegal studies and no work experience may be equally considered. Many employers also consider the work experience of legal assistants or secretaries who have had no college training.

Online degrees are gaining popularity and are being considered positively by employers. There are several online courses designed for paralegal training. People can earn online degrees while working full-time in the convenience of their own schedules at home. Such flexibility of training makes learning easier, and opens doors for paralegal job opportunities.

There are several other steps one can take to prepare for a career as a paralegal. Many of these steps are surprisingly easy, and will open interview doors wider. I will discuss the steps in other articles soon.

In addition to various opportunities and advancement, positions as a skilled paralegal can maintain one happily through their entire work career, yet has the flexibility of being a stepping stone into other positions. Such other positions, to name a few, could be in law enforcement, becoming an attorney, or working in top level positions of other businesses, like becoming a successful realtor. Consider a career as a paralegal, it just might be right up your alley.

Laura McDonald is a paralegal. She is a member of NFPA (National Federation of Paralegal Associations). Laura is experienced in the areas of personal injury, civil litigation, family, environmental and corporate law, estate planning and bankruptcy. She works for Michael L. Hawkins & Associates, P.L.L.C., located in Frankfort, Kentucky. The firm's website is http://www.mlhlawky.comCahra Blog75298
Adriaens Blog12371

8 Tips For College Students Wanting To Apply For A Credit Card

High school life is over. Youve moved away from home and youre starting a brand new chapter in your life with college. Independence feels great, but its sure to feel greater if youve got your own credit card, dont you think?

8 Tips for College Students Wanting to Apply for a Credit Card

Heres what you can do to make the credit card application process as hassle-free as possible.

Tip #1 Prepare proof of identification. Have your photos ready as well as all your valid IDs. Credit card companies will always have to verify that you are indeed who you say you are before you can proceed any further. IDs where your age is stated are also preferred because you have to prove youre at least 18 years old as well. If you have any bills under your name, take them with you as well because they can serve as proof of residence.

Tip #2 Prepare proof of schooling. Credit card companies generally prefer to issue credit cards to students who belong to accredited colleges and universities. If you belong to such a school then youre in luck. If not, you can compensate it by showing your previous records if theyre excellent, that is. Just like when youre applying for a drivers license, credit card issuers also take academic and extra-curricular excellence as a sign of maturity and trustworthiness in your part.

Tip #3 Prepare proof of financial assets. Student credit cards tend to charge higher rates than usual, but you might be qualified for lower rates if youre already working or you have money and a bank account in your name. Either way, make sure you can submit documentary proof of your work or assets.

Tip #4 Speaking of interest rates, the first thing you should look for in a credit card is the lowest possible interest rates. This might mean not being able to enjoy a reward-based credit card, but at your age, you might not yet afford the higher rates charged by credit cards offering reward points. If you see a 0% APR credit card, make sure to check how long the offer would last and what the standard APR is afterwards.

Tip #5 A number of credit cards allows you to apply even without a cosigner, but some of them tend to have stricter application requirements. If you dont want to go through the trouble of submitting additional requirements, simply ask your parent or legal guardian to act as your guarantor when you apply for a credit card.

Tip #6 Always look for a credit card that allows you to manage your account online. This will allow you to check your account balance regularly and know when and how much you have to pay for your credit card every month.

Tip #7 There are a few additional perks that you might deem necessary. If you are fond of shopping online, look for a credit card that offers you fraud liability guarantee at no extra cost. Other credit cards offer you thank you points for being a prompt payer.

Tip #8 Now that you know what you need from a credit card, find one that matches your preferences and then submit your application. Remember to be courteous and answer all their questions honestly. Youre sure to have your application approved in no time. Have fun with responsible swiping!

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information checkout and Blog64485
Cari Blog33326

How To Choose A Prepaid Cell Phone

There are many important aspects to consider when contemplating becoming a prepaid cell phone user. You should ask yourself what your needs, concerns, and wants are, and although this may take some effort, your effort will be rewarded with a great prepaid cell phone handset and plan. It is important to have all of this information so that you can compare differences and figure out what will best suit you personally. Although some carriers may not want you to have access to all of this information due to competition, you can attain access and find the answers that you need in order to make the best decision for you.

Important things to take consideration of are the following:

* Cost. It is important to try and break down the pricing as much as possible. It is best if you can narrow it down to per minute charges. Do not forget to also include fees. There may be certain day usage fees, or you may be charged more for your first minute per day than for the rest of them.

* Cell Phone Handset. It is important to love your cell phone, or else you will not want to keep it with you and the plan is pointless. It is a common misconception that you cannot get a decent phone with prepaid plans, but due to the number of major carriers who are now offering prepaid there are many phone options. Make sure that the phone you purchase has all of the necessary features that you want and need.

* Technology Leveling. Prepaid cell phone plans now offer picture messaging, text messaging, video messaging, flip phones, color screens, and many other wonderful amenities. Make sure that you consider all of the charges associated with these added benefits. The different prices range, but they can all be broken down to per usage charges.

* Extra Cost. Remember to also factor in the cost per usage for things such as 411 calling, international charges, long distance, and roaming charges.

* Minute Expiration. Providers sometimes set expiration dates on the purchased minutes. Be sure to know and understand how their system works so that you do not purchase minutes that you will not get to use. Oftentimes providers require you to purchase a certain amount of minutes per month, but some offer longer periods of time.

Each one of these aspects is important when determining which prepaid cell phone provider you are going to choose. It is important also to remember that you can get a phone with all the feature and amenities that you seek, and typically for much less. Deals, sales, and discounts are prevalent in the market, and are often easily found on the internet or through other ads. Take the time to compare the different amenities and costs, and make the right decision the first time.

Shelly Walther has written several articles on prepaid cell phones. She has researched many different options and understands how prepaid can benefit users. You can see more of her work, including more articles on prepaid cell phones, at and Blog5400
Brunhilde Blog17454

Effects of Volatility on the Time Spread

When purchasing a time spread, the investor should pay attention to not only the movement of the stock price, but also the movement of volatility. It plays a very large roll in the price of a time spread, which is an excellent way to take advantage of anticipated volatility movements in a hedged fashion.

Option Volatility

Since the time spread is composed of two options, the investor should understand the role of volatility in options as well as in time spreads. Let us start with option volatility.

We measure an option's volatility component by a term called Vega. Vega, one of the components of the pricing model, measures how much an option's price will change with a one-point (or tick) change in implied volatility. Based on present data, the pricing model assigns the Vega for each option at different strikes, different months and different prices of the stock.

Vega is always given in dollars per one tick volatility change. If an option is worth $1.00 at a 35 implied volatility and it has a .05 Vega, then the option will be worth $1.05 if implied volatility were to increase to 36 (up one tick) and $.95 if the implied volatility were to decrease to 34 (down one tick).

Keep these facts in mind as we continue to discuss Vega:

1. Vega measures how much an option price will change as volatility changes.
2. Vega increases as you look at future months and decreases as you approach expiration.
3. Vega is highest in the at-the-money options.
4. Vega is a strike-based number. It applies whether the strike is a call or a put.
5. Vega increases as volatility increases and decreases as volatility decreases.

It is important to note that an option's volatility sensitivity increases with more time to expiration. Further out-month options have higher Vegas than the Vegas of the near term options. The further out you go over time, the higher the Vegas become. Although increasing, they do not progress in a linear manner. When you check the same strike price out over future months you will notice that Vega values increase as you move out over future months.

The at-the-money strike in any month will have the highest Vega. As you move away from the at-the-money strike in either direction, the Vega values decrease and continue to decrease the further away you get from the at-the-money strike. Remember, Vega (an option's volatility component value) is highest in at-the-money, out-month options. Vega decreases the closer you get to expiration and the further away you move from the at-the-money strike.

The chart below shows Vega values for QCOM options. Observe the important elements. The stock price is constant at 68.5. Volatility is constant at 40. Time progresses from June to January. Finally, the strike price changes from 50 through 80. Notice the increasing pattern as you go out over time and how the value decreases as you move away from the at-the-money strike.

Chart 3- VegaStock Price 68.5 Vol. 40
Strike June July October January
50 0 .008 .064 .114
55 .004 .030 .102 .153
60 .023 .063 .135 .184
65 .053 .090 .157 .205
70 .056 .094 .165 .215
75 .032 .077 .154 .213
80 .011 .052 .142 .203

Another important fact about Vega is that it is a strike-based number. This means that the Vega number does not differentiate between put and call. Vega tells the volatility sensitivity of the strike regardless of whether you are looking at puts or calls. Therefore, the Vega number of a call and its corresponding put are identical.

The chart below shows the Vega values for calls and the corresponding puts. As you can see, these values match up in every instance.

Chart 6
Strike Price Call Vega Put Vega
60 .023 .023
65 .053 .053
70 .056 .056
60 .063 .063
65 .090 .090
70 .094 .094
60 .135 .135
65 .157 .157
70 .165 .165
60 .184 .184
65 .205 .205
70 .215 .215

Vega can also calculate how much a specific option's price will change with a movement in implied volatility. You simply count how many volatility ticks implied volatility has moved. Multiply that number times the Vega and either add it (if volatility increased) to the option's present value or subtract it (if volatility decreased) from the option's present value to obtain the option's new value under the new volatility assumption. The calculation works on individual options and can analyze the value of the time spread.

Apply Vega to Time Spreads
Now, let us apply the concepts of Vega to the Time Spread. When you apply the Vega concept to time spreads, you observe that as implied volatility increases, the value of the time spread increases. This is because the out-month option, with the higher Vega will increase more than the closer month option with the lower Vega. That widens or increases the spread.

The chart below shows a time spread and its reaction to increasing volatility. Each time that implied volatility increases, the value of the time spreads increase. This increase would naturally favor the buyer.

Chart 4
Stock Price $ Vol. June/July 65 Oct/July 65
65.5 30 1.09 2.09
65.5 40 1.43 2.75
65.5 50 1.77 3.41
65.5 60 2.11 4.05
65.5 70 2.49 4.60

If an investor bought the time spread at low volatility and within a few weeks volatility had increased and pushed the spread price higher, the investor could sell the spread at a profit even before expiration.

Of course, the Vega can also demonstrate the opposing effect. As implied volatility decreases, the spread tightens or decreases in value. As volatility comes down, the out-month option with its higher Vega will lose value more quickly than will the nearer month option with its lower Vega. In the chart below, you will see how decreasing volatility affects the time spread's value.

Chart 5
Stock Price $ Vol. June/July 65 Oct/July 65
65.5 70 2.49 4.60
65.5 60 2.11 4.05
65.5 50 1.77 3.41
65.5 40 1.43 2.75
65.5 30 1.09 2.09

Glance back to Charts 4 and 5. Take note that the stock price is constant. The changes in the price of the spreads are due to the change in volatility.

We discussed how to use Vega to calculate an option's price when volatility changes. The same calculation method works for time spreads but the calculation is slightly more difficult.

Base Volatility

Spread traders must understand how to properly calculate accurate volatility. In order to get accurate volatility levels, you must first determine a base volatility for the two options involved in the spread. Getting a base volatility must be done because different volatilities in different months cannot and do not get weighted evenly mathematically.

Since they are weighted differently, you cannot simply take the average of the two months and call that the volatility of the spread. It is more complicated than that.

The problem relates to calculating the spread's volatility with two options in different months. Those different months are usually trading at different implied volatility assumptions. You cannot compare apples with oranges nor can you compare two options with different volatility assumptions.

It is important to know how to calculate the actual and accurate volatility of the spread because the current volatility level of the spread is one of the best ways to determine whether the spread is expensive or cheap in relation to the average volatility of the stock.

There are several ways to calculate the average volatility of a stock. There are also ways to determine the average difference between the volatility levels for each given expiration month. Volatility cones and volatility tilts are very useful tools that aid in determining the mean, mode and standard deviations of a stock's implied volatility levels and the relationship between them.

The present volatility level of the spread is comparable to those average values and a determination can then be made as to the worthiness of the spread. If you now determine that the spread is trading at a high volatility, you can sell it. If it is trading at a low volatility, you can buy it. You must know the current trading volatility of the spread first.

To accurately calculate volatility levels for pricing and evaluating a time spread, the key is to get both months on an equal footing. You need to have a base volatility that you can apply to both months. For instance, say you are looking at the June / August 70 call spread. June's implied volatility is presently at 40 while August's implied volatility is at 36. You cannot calculate the spread's volatility using these two months as they are. You must either bring June's implied volatility down to 36 or bring August's implied volatility up to 40. You may wonder how you can do this.

You have the tools right in front of you. Use the June Vega to decrease the June option's value to represent 36 volatility or use August's Vega to increase the August option's value to represent 40 volatility. Both ways work so it does not matter which way you choose.

We will use some real numbers so that we may work through an example together. Let's say the June 70 calls are trading for $2.00 and have a .05 Vega at 40 volatility. The August 70 calls are trading for $3.00 and have a .08 Vega at 36 volatility, so the Aug/June 70 call spread will be worth $1.00. To be able to calculate the volatility of the spread, we must equalize the volatilities of the individual options.

First, let's move the June calls by moving June's implied volatility down from 40 to 36, a decrease of four volatility ticks. Four volatility ticks multiplied by a Vega of .05 per tick gives us a value of $.20. Next, we subtract $.20 from the June 70 option's present value of $2.00 and we get a value of $1.80 at 36 volatility. Now the two options are valued at an equal volatility basis.

Looking at this first adjustment where we moved the June 70's volatility down to 36 from 40, we have a value of $1.80 at 36 volatility. The August 40 call has a value of $3.00 at 36 volatility. The spread will be worth $1.20 at 36 volatility.

If you wanted to move the August 70 calls instead, you would take the August 70 call Vega of .08 and multiply it by the four tick implied volatility difference. This gives you a value of $.32 that we must add to the August 70 call's present value in order to bring it up to an equal volatility (40) with the June 70 call. Adding the $.32 to the August 70 call will give it a $3.32 value at the new volatility level of 40, which is the same volatility level as the June 40 calls. Now, our spread is worth $1.32 at 40 volatility. August 70 calls at $3.32 minus the June 70 calls at $2.00 gives the price of the spread at 40 volatility.

It does not make any difference which option you move. The point is to establish the same volatility level for both options. Then you are ready to compare apples to apples and options to options for an accurate spread value and volatility level.

Since we now have an equal base volatility, we can calculate the spread's Vega by taking the difference between the two individual option's Vegas. In the example above, the spread's Vega is .03 (.08 - .05). The Vega of the spread is calculated by finding the difference between the Vega's of the two individual options because in the time spread, you will be long one option and short the other option.

As volatility moves one tick, you will gain the Vega value of one of the options while simultaneously losing the Vega value of the other. The spread's Vega must be equal to the difference between the two options Vega's, so, our spread is worth $1.20 at 36 volatility with a .03 Vega or $1.32 at 40 volatility with a .03 Vega.

Going back to our original spread value of $1.00 with a Vega of .03, we can now calculate the volatility of that spread. We know the spread is worth $1.20 at 36 volatility with a Vega of .03. Therefore, we can assume that the spread trading at $1.00 must be trading at a volatility lower than 36.

To find out how much lower we first take the difference between the two spread values, which is $.20 ($1.20 at 36 volatility minus $1.00 at ? volatility). Then we divide the $.20 by the spread's Vega of .03 and we get 6.667 volatility ticks. We then subtract 6.667 volatility ticks from 36 volatility and we get 29.33 volatility for the spread trading at $1.00.

We can also determine the volatility of the spread as the spread's price changes. We will fix the spread price at $1.30. To calculate this, we must first take the value of the spread ($1.20 at 36 volatility) and find the dollar difference between it and the new price of the spread ($1.30). The difference is $.10. The Vega of the spread must now divide this dollar difference. The $.10 difference divided by the .03 Vega gives you a value of 3.33 volatility ticks. Then add the 3.33 ticks to the 36 volatility and you get 39.33 as the volatility for the spread trading at $1.30.

Let us double-check our work by calculating the volatility the other way. This time we will do the calculation by moving the August 70 calls up to the equal base volatility of the June 70 calls. As calculated earlier, the August 70 calls will have a value of $3.32 at 40 volatility. The June 70 calls are worth $2.00 at 40 volatility, so the spread is worth $1.32 at 40 volatility.

Now, move the spread price to $1.30, $.02 lower than the value of the spread at 40 volatility. As before, we take the difference in the prices of the spread. The result is $.02 ($1.32 - $1.30). Then, divide $.02 by our spread's Vega of .03 (remember that the Vega of the spread is equal to the difference between the Vega of the two individual options). $.02 divided by .03 gives us a value of .67. We must subtract that .67 from our base volatility of 40. That gives us a 39.33 (40 - .67) volatility for the spread trading at $1.30. This volatility matches our previous calculation perfectly.

At first glance, you might be wondering why we went through all of these calculations. With the June 70 calls at 40 volatility, price $2.00, Vega .05 and the August 70 calls at 36 volatility, price $3.00, Vega .08 why not just take an average of the volatility? This would give us a 38 volatility for the spread with a price of $1.00 when in actuality $1.00 in the spread represents a 29.33 volatility.

This would be almost a nine-tick difference, which represents a whopping 30% mistake! As stated earlier, Vega is not linear. You cannot weigh each month evenly and just take an average of the two months. For argument's sake suppose you did. Let's say you found the difference of the Vegas of the options and came up with a spread Vega of .03, which is correct. However, when you try to calculate the spread's volatility and price you would have difficulty.

Now, recalculate the spread with the trading price of $1.30, or $.30 higher than your value at 38 volatility. Divide that $.30 higher difference by the spread's Vega of .03. You get a 10-tick volatility increase. Add that increase to the base 38 volatility. That would mean you feel the spread is trading at 48 volatility instead of a 39.33 volatility! This type of mistake could be very, very costly. Remember, apples to apples, oranges to oranges. It does not matter which option's volatility of the spread you move as long as you get both options to an equal base volatility.

Ron Ianieri enjoyed 14 years of experience as a floor trader on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, including four years as the lead market maker in DELL computer options one of the busiest books in history. He is currently chief options strategist and co-founder of The Options University, an educational company that teaches investors how to make consistent profits using options while limiting risk.Anabal Blog57538
Adria Blog99611

Different Schools in the Seattle School District Honor Graduates

Garfield High School Honors 84 Year-Old Graduate

On Monday, June 19th, Richard Coone received an honorary diploma from Garfield High School, a Seattle High School. He walked with the Garfield High graduates at the graduating ceremonies held at Qwest Field. Mr. Coone has waited over sixty-five years to receive a diploma. In 1941, Mr. Coone was a senior at Garfield High School and was prepared to graduate with his friends but World War II got in the way. In his junior year, Mr. Coone had joined the National Guard by lying about his age. He did this in order to be with his older brother. By joining the Battery 146 Field Artillery Battalion, he was to serve with several students from Garfield High School. But before graduation, he was called to Fort Lewis and did not return home until 1945. After returning home he worked for the Seattle times for over thirty years. Garfield High School and other Seattle Schools are honored to recognize Dick Coone for his service to the State of Washington and our country.

Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators Annual Recognition Dinner for Retirees and Graduating Seniors

The Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators, the local affiliate of the National Alliance of Black Educators, will hold a dinner honoring selected graduating students and retiring faculty on June 21, 2006. The annual dinner is also used to recognize those students who have received Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators scholarships. The students are chosen from high schools throughout Seattle Schools. The criteria used to select the students includes examining the students academic record, their involvement in school activities, their participation in community service, the students financial need, and a required application essay. The scholarships will be used to further the students education. This years dinner will also honor five retiring faculty members from the Seattle Schools. These retirees are honored due to their outstanding service and commitment to their work in Seattle Schools.

The SABSE is part of the National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE). The NABSE is a non-profit organization devoted to furthering the academic success for the nations children - particularly children of African descent. In 1970 the NABSE was founded to improve both the educational experiences and accomplishments of African American youth through the development and use of instructional and motivational methods that increase levels of inspiration, attendance and overall achievement. The NABSE aims to accomplish its goals by facilitating the education of all students, with a particular focus on African American students

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Camala Blog18872
Cathrine Blog22528

Guide to Buying a Webcam

How web broadcasting works

Webcams are those handy little cameras that attach to your PC and send images to a web page that can be viewed by others. This enables you to share daily life events with friends and family in other parts of the country or the world, or to arrange a video-conference with colleagues and maintain long distance relationships of all kinds. Of course the number of ways to use this technology is limited only by your imagination.

Web Cameras

But before you buy a webcam, it pays to understand a little about how the technology of broadcasting images over the Internet works. Of course, if you're a full bottle on this already, you can skip this section and go straight to browsing the options on where you can compare products and suppliers, their specifications and prices.

Webcams provide 'real time' images of people; places and events that can be viewed 'live' on a web page. The broadcasting end has a camera that captures the images, feeds them into a computer to an ISP and out to viewing pages across the Internet. There are two different types of broadcast: streaming images, where the images are a constant stream downloaded in video format; or Java, where the images are captured at fixed time intervals and refreshed on the web pages at a rate fixed by the broadcaster.

The Applications - What are you intending to broadcast, and to whom?

There is a wide range of uses of webcam technology. Some examples include personal 'Big Brother' style diaries, sharing of family events, workplace security, video conferencing, virtual tourism, road traffic management, weather watching, event broadcast and a host of others.

Before you make a choice about any webcam equipment, it helps to decide exactly how you want to use the technology, in other words, what you are intending to broadcast. This decision will impact upon the type of camera you use, and how you use it.

A second consideration is, who will be viewing your content? What level of quality is expected? This will help determine the type of camera you use, the software involved and your Internet connection. Of course, your Internet connection may be a limitation on how much you can do.

The requirements for video conferencing are different from the requirements of workplace security, which are different again from the requirements of sharing a family event.

The physical components

There are a number of physical components required to make web cam technology work. At the top of the list is the camera itself. Then, depending on the type of camera you use and the way in which you want to deliver the content to the Internet, you may need to incorporate video capture hardware in your computer. Some software is required to help you process the data, and Internet connection is required and a web page into which the data is fed.


Your choice of camera depends somewhat on what you are intending to show. If you need to reach a large public audience yo may want good quality camcorder or megapixel camera that captures high quality images. If it's just for seeing who's at your front door or keeping an eye on the kids in their playroom, then it may not need to present high quality images. If you are intending to use it outdoors, it will need to be weather proof and you may need to consider sun and UV protection. Available power supply and any robotic requirements for camera movement and focus are extra considerations.

Dedicated webcams

The most basic webcams connect to a PC using a simple USB connection. A wide range of cameras with accompanying software at a range of prices is available for this type of application. Simply search though to compare prices and specifications. Dedicated webcams are simple to install and easy to use, but come with limitations that affect the quality of the images, such as low number of frames per second (refresh rates) and resolution (pixels per inch).

Camcorders and security cameras

Higher quality images and more camera control come from using camcorder and security cameras. To use these devices you will need to add a video capture card to your PC. Once you have that installed however, you can use a wide range of cameras from broadcast cameras to miniature spy cameras. You can include variable lens options, filters for daylight and low light situations, as well as robotic controls for panning and focus adjustments. You can search through for camcorder selections.

Integrated cameras

An integrated camera combines the camera and the optical hardware with a video server, and as such requires no additional software. They can be used in network situations or as stand-alone devices for monitoring progress on a construction project for example.

Megapixel cameras

Network megapixel cameras combine network capability with high quality digital camera technology. These cameras offer excellent quality but this creates large files sizes, therefore they have limited application in constant streaming video. However for interval refreshed archive image collection, they are ideal, providing a constant record and high quality. You can search through for digital camera selections.


If you are not using an integrated camera solution, you will need to install an encoding program like Webcaster or MediaCaster to transfer your images to a web page.

At the receiver end, when web surfers browse the internet and wish to view live video on the web for the first time, they will need to download dedicated applications that show the content such as an ActiveX control, Windows Media player, Flash player or the like.


Finally, you need an Internet connection. The hardware you will need may include a modem for dial-up connection, or modem/router for a broadband solution. Naturally the higher the quality you want, or the faster refresh rate you want, the more bandwidth you will need. ADSL (Broadband) is going to offer you the best solution, but keep in mind what your Internet connection when you are making choices of cameras and feeder software.

Webcam applications work well with wireless solutions. Make sure when you are purchasing a camera or network video solution that it is compatible with any wireless system you may be using in a LAN.

Key considerations

The specifications that are variable with webcam applications, and are affected by camera type, web interface and Internet connection, include the number of frames per second and the image resolution.

Frames-per-second is the number of times a still image flashes by in a second to give the appearance of moving pictures. In Australia, the standard television PAL format is at 25 frames per second. A webcam with up to 30 frames per second will show normal video images. But the more frames per second you demand, the more bandwidth, memory and processing power is required.

Resolution is measured the number of pixels per inch. High quality photographs require a high resolution. But the standard for web images is a low 72 dpi. Higher resolution images will not be of any better visual quality, just slower to upload and download.

Use to compare different webcams, camcorders and digital cameras. You can compare the prices and specifications of the different products and brands, and a wide range of reputable vendors.

Andrew Gates is a writer for comparison online shopping site - , helps you compare web cameras - and buy online from top-rated online stores. You can also read webcams reviews - and specifications.Cahra Blog30401
Aila Blog86872

Advice on Buying Estonia Property

Buying property in Estonia is a relatively straightforward and safe procedure.

The wheels of the bureaucratic machine move fairly efficiently, meaning that you could have title transferred in as little as four weeks.

Foreigners were known to have paid higher prices in the early 1990s, but the market has matured. Foreigners are developing many properties in Estonia now. This combined with the closing gap between foreign and local salaries mean that far fewer people, foreign or local, are being taken advantage of.

Most agents meet certain standards within real estate protocol and foreigners getting fleeced is not something to be over duly concerned about.

How much can I borrow?

Estonian banks and financial institutions are happy to give finance to foreigners, though the rates and conditions will not be as competitive as those given to Estonian residents.

Interest rates, however, are very competitive, and can be as low as 3 of the property value for a first property, and 50 off new properties in Estonia around 5-6 lower than the asking price. And because Estonia is experiencing a building boom, needing up to 3000 new housing units a year, haggling might be a luxury you can't afford.

Buying without an agent?

Not recommended!

Buying without a property agent in a country you are unfamiliar with, even for the most experienced property investor, is looking for trouble.

Additional Charges

The Notary is responsible for overseeing the transfer of ownership of property in Estonia.

Notaries play a necessary role in the closing process and are paid separately.

In Estonia, their fees are fixed by the state ranging from 0.4 to 1.0.

Most new builds sell off the plans and are sold complete with interior decoration. Demand in Estonia for 2- 3-roomed apartments has grown, particularly in the suburbs.

This is in contrast to its Baltic counterparts, Riga and Vilnius, where demand is largely for 1 -2 roomed apartments.

The result is a 5 more for any type of property for sale in Tallinn's old town. Demand for such properties has increased significantly over the past year in both the buyer and rental markets.

Investor's interest in new build apartments around the city centre has led to less demand for houses in Estonia. While demand has fallen, prices have remained stable, though selling times are longer.

It is possible to find bargain properties in Estonia's rural areas at extremely low prices and the past year has seen far more of these properties come on the market than in previous years.

The Buying Process

The settlement process in Estonia is fairly efficient, typically taking between 30 to 60 days, although it can be sooner depending on how quickly an appointment can be arranged with the Notary.

The Role of the Notary

The notary will oversee the transfer of ownership and ensure that it is in accordance with Estonian law. If it is not, recommendations for change will be made since the notary is financially responsible for potential mistakes or violations of the law. Once approved by the Notary, the documents are then signed in the Notary's office. Bear in mind that the notary's role is neutral. You will not be advised on any aspects of title, searches or burdens that they property may carry. The Notary will can also handle payments for the property through their account if required. Each party will be issued copies of the contract on signing at the notary office.

Notary Fees

The most equitable agreement for paying notary fees is to divide the cost equally between the buyer and the seller. Be sure to negotiate this before the meeting. There will also be a small amount of tax [state duty] to be paid by the buyer. This amounts to approximately 0.4.

The Contract or Pre-Purchase Protocol

The "pre-purchase protocol" is the agreement that commits the buyer and the seller to the property sale.

It usually requires the payment of a deposit, set at around 10%.

The pre-purchase protocol is immediately binding and under Estonian law there is no opt-out period.

Once the contract has been signed, you are legally obliged to follow through on the terms of the agreement.

Estonian property purchase contracts are generally "firm sale only".

In contrast to other countries where you may negotiate a property purchase conditional on getting bank finance or selling another property, it would be very rare for an Estonian property seller to accept conditions on a property sale.

Always beware of contracts that have been translated from Estonian to English.

A bad translation may compromise the terms of the contract. You are legally obliged to have an accredited translator with you at the notary's office to take you through the contract and to ensure that you fully understand the terms of agreement.

To ensure that the pre-purchase protocol is legally valid, it must be signed by an Estonian Notary.

Many agents however do not insist on this procedure since it incurs extras costs.

However, without a formal signing at the notary's office, the terms and conditions of the contract do not have any legal sway.

Deadlines may extend longer than they should and other problems may arise. As a final note of caution, make sure that the director of the agency you are working with signs the contract. In order for a contract to be valid under Estonian law, the director of the company and not the agents working for the company must sign the documents.

Don't expect to be handed the deeds of the property once the purchase has been completed.

In Estonia, there are no property deeds.

A notorized application is made to the Land Register to transfer the ownership of the property to the buyer in the land register book. This cannot happen until the state fee is paid.

After this process, the title is legally valid.

Public notice of the transfer must be published in the Official State Gazette, though this does not affect the title, which is secured after being noted in the land register book.

These guidelines are meant for guidance only and describe a straightforward purchase scenarios. However this information is not meant to replace proper legal advice, which we always insist you take.

John Everitt is a consultant to Globespan European property portal. Please visit our estate agents directory and this Estonia buyers guide Bambi Blog77126
Adria Blog99611

Bad Credit Secured Loan: Where Credit Is No Problem

No doubt, good credit history is a hallmark when you are looking for a loan. But today in the arena of loan borrowing, borrowers with bad credit also finds easy to combat with their needs especially when they possess asset. If you are among those who possess some valuable asset then you can avail bad credit secured loan.

Bad credit secured loans are designed for the borrower who are rated as bad credit like CCJs, IVA, bankrupts, arrear, defaults etc by the reputed credit companies. The situation of bad credit arises when borrower fails to meet unpaid debts on time, or met with a financial accident like loss of job, long time illness, frequently changing of the residence place can become of the reason for the bad credit.

But borrowers with bad credit now wont have to worry or compromise with the needs as they can avail bad credit secured loans.

For availing the bad credit secured loan, borrower has to place his collateral against the loan amount, collateral can be borrowers home, car, property etc. Borrowers collateral fetches him larger amount with lower interest rate for the longer time frame; despites his bad credit history he enjoys the easy repayment option. Bad credit secured loans offers its borrowers loan amount ranging from 5 000 to 75,000 for repayment term varying from 5-25 years.

Bad credit secured loans can be used for various purposes like going for vacation, education expense, wedding expenses but mostly loan seeker prefer to deal with the lenders installment.

Bad credit secured loans are helpful for the borrowers to improve their credit score. This can only happen when the bad credit borrower repays the loaned amount in time and at the approved interest rate.

Before acquiring the bad credit secured loans, you must do the market survey in order to avail the best bad credit loans. Borrower must compare the quotes on the basis of interest rate, repayment term from the different lenders.

Aldrich Chappel has been associated with Get Secured Loans, since its inception. Having completed his Masters in Finance from Lancaster University Management School, he undertook to provide useful advice through his articles that have been found very useful by the residents of the UK. To find Bad Credit Secured Loans,Secured homeowner loan,Uk secured homeowner loan,Homeowner loan personal secured visit Blog45838
Caitrin Blog28441

Looking to Donate a Car? Car Donation Programs versus Doing It Yourself

Have you thought about doing something that is meaningful and full of good will? Many Americans wish to, but many never end up getting around to doing so. Do not be one of those individuals. You do not have to be rich to donate. Car donations are a great way to help out a good cause, especially if you do not have the financial recourses needed to make a large cash donation. In fact, you will find that you dont even need to have a new car. Many donated cars are in less than perfect shape, but they are still appreciated.

If you have made the decision to donate your car, you have a number of different options. Those options often involve using the services of a car donation program or finding a charity, which will accept your donated car, all on your own. Choosing one of those methods isnt as easy as it may sound. Perhaps, the best way to decide which donate car method is the best for you is to compare the two. The one that has the most advantages or benefits should be the car donation method that best fits your needs.

When it comes to finding a car donation company or a local charity, you will find that a car donation company is often easier to find. You can find the contact information for multiple programs online. This can easily be done with an internet search. For the best results, you will want to perform a search using the words donate car. Within a few seconds and with the click of a mouse, you should be able to find a local car donation program.

You can also familiarize yourself with local charities, especially ones that may want a donated car; however, it isnt as easy as finding a car donation program. With car donation programs, you know exactly what they want. Unfortunately, not all local charities want or need a donated car. This means that after spending hours researching and contacting local charities, you could still be stuck with your car.

As previously mentioned, you do not have to have a perfect car to donate. Car donations are accepted in just about any condition, in most cases. Car donation programs are more willing to accept a non-working vehicle than one of your local charities. This is because most car donation programs partner with mechanics and other car experts. These professional could turn to your non-working car into one that works great. However, to do this time and money is needed. Unfortunately, you will find that most of your local charities do not have either. Therefore, if you have a car that is in less than perfect working condition, you may want to obtain the services of a donation program.

While it may seem like a car donation program has most benefits, you may still prefer to do your own leg work. If this is the case, go ahead. All that matters is that you made the decision to donate. Car donations are wanted by all different types of charitable organizations. It doesnt necessarily matter how you get your vehicle to them, as long as you do.

Mariah Cruz is a writer for where you will see abundant amounts of information on things such as a Car donation and other related information.Angelle Blog3547
Brynne Blog88262

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